Window to a World of a Localizer Meet the Localizer: Annamaria Szvoboda My name is Annamaria Szvoboda. I am a native Hungarian localizer and linguist and the owner of my translation business called Szvoboda Translations Inc. I am also a graduate student at Middlebury Institute of International Studies in the Translation and Localization Management program. I collected my most interesting and unique localization and translation projects in this folder to showcase my work as a localizer, project manager, and language professional. Working in the l10n industry has been one of the most rewarding experiences; learning and experimenting with the newest technology and innovations are always exciting as well as linking them back to the origin of the profession. I hope you will enjoy the tour. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. For more information about my background you can visit my LinkedIn profile here:
Exploring the l10n and i18n worlds; a perspective of a localizer and translator